Recommended Packages

Annual Appeal
This fundraising package is best employed at the start of your nonprofits fiscal year to help bring in the necessary funds to meet your budget needs.
8 ½ x 14 Letter with a Perforated Response Device
Digital 4-color process on both sides
#10 Closed Face Outer Envelope: Digital 4-color process on one side
#9 Courtesy Reply Envelope: black ink, one side
No bleeds on any of the listed components

Budget Shortfall Appeal
When unexpected budget shortfalls occur, this package design helps to fill in the gaps!
8 ½ x 14 Letter with a Perforated Response Device
Digital 4-color process on both sides
#10 Closed Face Outer Envelope: Digital 4-color process on one side
#9 Courtesy Reply Envelope: black ink, one side
No bleeds on any of the listed components

Matching Grant Appeal
Hands down the most powerful type of fundraising letter and well worth the extra effort to line up a benefactor!
8 ½ x 14 Letter with a Perforated Response Device
Digital 4-color process on both sides
#10 Closed Face Outer Envelope: Digital 4-color process on one side
#9 Courtesy Reply Envelope: black ink, one side
No bleeds on any of the listed components

Emergency Gram
When you need to communicate a serious need or event: an unusual heat wave or cold snap, cancelled funding, dramatic increase of services.
8 ½ x 14 Letter with a Perforated Response Device
Digital 4-color process on both sides
#10 Closed Face Outer Envelope: Digital 4-color process on one side
#9 Courtesy Reply Envelope: black ink, one side
No bleeds on any of the listed components